Central Saanich is home to a bounty of beautiful parks, trails and beach accesses. We’re excited to launch this public engagement site as we embark on drafting a new plan to guide parks and trails planning and development for the next 10 to 20 years, enabling the District to plan and budget for park and trail improvements. The process will involve analyzing our existing parks and trails, their natural and physical assets, how we use these spaces and identifying priorities for improvements and upgrades.
The plan will build on existing work done through the Official Community Plan review, the Active Transportation Plan, the Saanichton Village Design Plan, Age-Friendly Community Plan, and others. Following on the heels of these projects ensures we understand demographics, where development will be focused, accessibility opportunities and future active transportation linkages.
Help shape the direction for a new Parks and Trails Master Plan—this is the plan’s first update since 1996. Your feedback will help ensure the new Master Plan reflects how you, your family or your organization use the parks and trails network in Central Saanich and how you hope to see them grow and evolve in the future.
The three-phased engagement process will include: setting direction, providing feedback on the draft, and finalizing the plan. When complete, the plan will provide a roadmap to improve and grow the community’s parks and trail networks for residents, user groups, and visitors now and into the future.
As part of the planning process, the District is reviewing existing parks and trails, their natural and physical assets, and the use of these spaces to help identify priorities for improvements and upgrades. The Plan will also build on the feedback and work completed through the Official Community Plan review, the Active Transportation Plan, the Saanichton Village Design Plan, the Age-Friendly Community Plan, and others.
How You Can Get Involved
There will be many chances and ways to share your feedback throughout the project. Engagement will be inclusive and include both in-person and virtual opportunities, as well as meetings with community groups and impacted parties, including engagement with youth, First Nations communities, and under-represented groups.
Your feedback will help ensure the new Master Plan reflects how you, your family or your organization use the parks, trails network, and beach access in Central Saanich and how you hope to see them grow and evolve in the future.
We have scheduled the Central Saanich Parks and Trails Master Plan – Stakeholder Meeting for Dec. 6th at 1pm. We apologize for the confusion with dates as coordinating individually was challenging to make it work for everyone! Please attend if you can using the Teams link provided below. The meeting should be roughly 1-hour long and will include a presentation along with open discussion. If you have any questions in the meantime, please let us know.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 216 202 157 176
Passcode: 8QEYJr
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